Boulder Field in Hickory Run State Park is home to a very interesting phenomenon. A gigantic field of bedrock boulders, thousands of years old. Main Channel - Instagram - mobileinstinct I post a lot of different pictures from my travels. Direct - Any suggestions of places for me to see?
40 old trolleys are rusting away deep in the Pennsylvania woods, the oldest one from 1912. The trolley graveyard is truly incredible to experience in person. It would be great to see more of them restored in the future. Check out Jay's channel - Second channel - mobile instinct2 Check it out!
Visited the abandoned J.W. Cooper School in Shenandoah Pennsylvania with my buddy journey_with_jay. This beautiful school was built around 1918 and houses an incredible auditorium and the oldest pool in any school in Pennsylvania. Amazing architecture in this place.
Mister Rogers Neighborhood - Exploring the set - I heard about Mr. Rogers set on display at The Heinz History Center in Pittsburgh about 2 years ago and knew I needed to visit. Like many of us, I grew up watching Fred Rogers on TV.
Check me out on Instagram - mobileinstinct Direct link - Oddments Vlog #1 Touring through Eastern Pennsylvania and crossing the river into New Jersey I check out an abandoned Futuro House, Henry Mercers amazing collections, explore an old abandoned train car in Lambertville NJ, and finally check out an old abandoned train bridge.